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Trauma Therapy

“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” – Laurell K. Hamilton

How do you treat the wounds that are not visible? How do you tell a woman who was assaulted that everything will be okay again? How do you tell the teen who accidentally ran a stop sign and killed another person that he will drive again one day?

Seems like a daunting feat, but through trauma therapy, healing is possible.

what we treat addressing trauma at clean recovery centers

Between 2019 and 2022, Tampa General Hospital saw almost 1,500 patients related to trauma, with over 1,300 being deemed high risk. This does not include other hospitals in the area, showing just how valuable having resources to treat trauma is.

At Clean Recovery Centers, we understand how unresolved trauma can lead to poor mental health and even substance use. Our program can treat both mental health conditions and substance use disorders at the same time.

Here is a look at trauma therapy and the services provided here at Clean Recovery Centers.

What We Treat: Addressing Trauma at Clean Recovery Centers

Trauma can happen to anyone at any point in life. It can come from an abusive relationship, experiencing a natural disaster, or being in a car accident. It can also come from war, death, or even financial distress. When these events occur, the brain associates the memory with fear. Encountering a trigger of the past can result in panic attacks, anxiety, and the fight or flight response taking over. When left untreated, trauma can become debilitating and interfere with daily activities.

Clean Recovery Centers specializes in treating trauma as well as other mental health conditions that may be associated with it. This can include anxiety, depression, and substance use disorders.

How We Treat: Healing Trauma Through Specialized Therapies

Treating trauma is not one size fits all, and different methods will work better for each individual. The treatment process at Clean Recovery Centers begins with an assessment to help us understand your unique needs. From there, our team will enter you into our three-phase treatment program. Those who have co-occurring substance use disorders along with trauma will enter at phase one, called preparation. This includes a medical detox and a residential I stay.

Those looking for mental health treatment only will most likely start in phase two, called action. This includes daily therapies and optional housing in our residential II facilities. Each of our locations has a certified rapid-resolution therapist onsite. This particular therapy is specific for treating unresolved trauma and changing negative thought patterns.

Phase three, called maintenance, includes outpatient treatment with continued monitoring and therapies. Housing is available at this time but it is not required. Phase three works to help you in the transition back to your daily activities outside of our facility. We also offer an active alumni group after the program is complete, ensuring you will always be connected to care.


trauma defined where it originates

Trauma Defined: Where it Originates

Trauma comes from an event in life that is perceived negatively. This can include being abused in any sense (physical, emotional, mental, etc.), witnessing the death of a loved one, experiencing a natural disaster, living through combat, and experiencing medical malpractice, and many more. These events cause a response in the brain to trigger fear when met with things that remind the person of the event. An example is hearing a loud noise that can sound like a gunshot to a veteran, causing fear and panic that they are back in the field.

Does all Trauma Turn to PTSD?

Experiencing a traumatic event does not guarantee the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For many, trauma will heal on its own or with the help of professionals. However, some have a more difficult time healing, leading to PTSD. PTSD is a treatable mental health condition, and with the proper help, it is manageable. Medications and therapies have been shown to improve the outcomes of those living with PTSD.

When Is Trauma Therapy Beneficial?

Anyone who has experienced trauma can benefit from seeking trauma therapy. Therapy techniques that address trauma specifically can help the healing process as well as develop healthy coping mechanisms when fears arise. The goal of trauma therapy is to process the situation in a safe environment to heal the mind. This can be done through various forms of therapy that are offered by trauma-informed care professionals.

Trauma-Informed Care Professionals

Trauma-informed care professionals specialize in traumatic events, PTSD, and treating clients living with trauma. Trauma can cause intense fear and interfere with everyday life, and not treating it properly can even result in new trauma forming. Trust is crucial when treating trauma and overall health, and having professionals who can properly address and treat it make a difference in the healing process.

Types of Trauma Therapy

Not everyone responds to trauma the same, which is why different therapy options exist for addressing and treating trauma. Some methods are more common than others, but finding what works for you will be key in the healing process.

Prolonged Exposure (PE)

Prolonged exposure therapy (PE) is a method of facing trauma head-on to desensitize the event. A common example is someone experiencing a motor vehicle accident. They may have had extensive injuries, witnessed death, or had to be extracted. This results in fears of driving or riding in a car. PE works by addressing the event over time in a comfortable and safe space. Eventually, the person ends up no longer fearing the situation and is able to return to driving as before.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR) is a type of trauma therapy that works to change the way the brain remembers the traumatic event. Recounting a traumatic event is stressful and feelings of fear will rise. EMDR works by utilizing bilateral stimulation, typically through eye movement or tapping of the hands. As the person recounts the event, the eye movement desensitizes the feelings of fear associated with the memory. Over time, the memory becomes less painful, resulting in the fear response lessening.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common talk therapy that is utilized for treating many mental health conditions. The goal is to address negative thought patterns and behaviors and work to change them into healthy patterns. Trauma can cause thoughts and behaviors to shift into feelings of guilt or shame, worsening mental health. CBT is a good method for those who have experienced trauma and have these negative feelings.

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

Cognitive processing therapy is similar to CBT as it also works with thoughts. Perception of the world may be different after experiencing trauma, and the person may have a distrust or distorted view of people. CPT addresses these thoughts and then changes how they are perceived. An example would be someone who has experienced abuse and blamed themselves for what they said leading up to it. CPT acknowledges the thought while changing it to the reality of the situation.

clean recovery centers trauma therapy

Rapid-Resolution Therapy (RRT)

Rapid-resolution therapy is a psychotherapy that specifically addresses trauma and the effects of experiencing it. Using guided imagery, hypnosis, story-telling, and other forms of communication helps to resolve thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that are negative. At Clean Recovery Centers, we specialize in RRT and have certified therapists at each of our locations.

Getting Help With Trauma Therapy at Clean Recovery Centers

Trauma can interfere with everyday life and cause debilitating feelings of fear. The good news is that mental health treatment is available and can help you begin to heal from the past. Through therapies and possible medications, you will understand how your trauma has affected you mentally and process it to begin anew. You don’t have to feel this way forever, help is available today.

If you or someone you love is living with unresolved trauma, look no further than Clean Recovery Centers. Our compassionate team is here to welcome you in to begin the healing process. Each of our locations offers housing certified by the Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR). Call us today at (888) 330-2532 to learn more about our program offerings.

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