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Ten Affirmations To Get You Through Tough Times

There have been moments in my life when I was in deep, radiating pain and a quote or a song lyric or an affirmation would make its way into my world, and it would be exactly what I needed to hear. An affirmation is a positive statement that can help you overcome your view of the world. When we repeat affirmations, we often start to believe them and positive changes are made. In order to change the way I thought and felt, I started to repeat affirmations to myself daily.
by Lara Frazier
Affirmations helped me overcome fear, resistance, anxiety, and stress. They allowed me to start thinking positively and subtle shifts in the way I thought allowed my world view to change. I started to believe in these phrases and in turn, I started believing in myself. Here are ten of my favorite affirmations.

1. I can do hard things.

This affirmation was given to me by Glennon Doyle Meltion, a sober woman, author, blogger, and activist. Whenever I feel like I can’t do something, I repeat this affirmation to myself and I am reminded that I can, in fact, do anything. We can do hard things. Always.

2. I trust the evolution of my life.

When a long term boyfriend broke up with me, I changed the wallpaper on my phone to these words. I wanted to believe that I was being guided and that the universe knew what was best for me. Instead of focusing on how sad and terrible I felt, it allowed me to trust the evolution of my life – knowing that whatever was happening, was happening FOR me, not to me.

3. You are allowed to change.

In early 2016, I was making some major changes in my life and the people I loved started questioning my decisions. They didn’t like that I was changing and my growth made them uncomfortable. I reminded myself that I am allowed to change. I am allowed to do what is best for me.

4. I believe in infinite possibilities.

I didn’t fully believe this affirmation when I started saying it to myself. However, as I repeated it daily, I started to believe in infinite possibilities. I used to look at the world through eyes of fear and thus, I didn’t believe that things would get better. However, as my energy changed to reflect more positivity – the universe actually started delivering me more possibilities. Anything was possible with this affirmation. My wildest dreams could come true.

5. Rejection is universal protection.

When I first heard this statement, I related it to my love life. However, rejection can come in all forms – from friendships, to romance, to your career. Rejection was universal protection. I was being shielded from something that was not right for me.

6. I believe in myself.

When I first got sober, I had a very low self-esteem. There was so much shame and guilt surrounding me that I didn’t know how to believe in myself. However, as I started to repeat this affirmation, I quickly saw that I was capable of anything. Believing in myself allowed me to step into a new world of growth.

7. I am grateful for the pain.

Pain is a teacher. It is part of life. We can’t numb pain and we can’t run from pain. When I overcame pain by allowing myself to feel it – I saw that I was always stronger. Pain led me to my purpose. I am grateful for the pain.

8. I trust that every relationship is a perfect assignment.

There is a phrase that says everyone is your teacher. This means that even the people I despised were sent to teach me something. The relationship that didn’t work out showed me what I needed in future relationships. The friendship that I outgrew allowed me to love deeper than I ever had before. Every relationship is a perfect assignment.

9. I give myself a break.

In this day and age, we are always moving. Productivity is looked at as happiness and success. However, there are some days when getting out of bed seems like the hardest thing in the world. If this is the case, then it’s OK to give yourself a break.

10. I am responsible for the world I see.

If I am responsible for the world I see, then I choose to see the world as beauty. I am given the opportunity to have free-will. This means I can co-create with the universe and continue to grow or I can resist and fight and continue to struggle. I choose to see the world as beauty, even when it’s ugly. Because everything always passes.


Lara Frazier is a truth-teller, a sobriety warrior and a writer. She is a FIERCE believer in the power of owning our stories and is a strong advocate for addiction recovery. Lara shares a story of healing: in sobriety, through addiction, in life and love, and in all the other big huge moments of fear and magic that we rarely talk about, but we should. Find more of Lara’s work on Instagram @sillylara.

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