Cirrhosis of the Liver: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment Cirrhosis is a condition of the liver in which it has become severely scarred and damaged. Healthy liver is replaced by scar tissue, preventing the liver from normal function. Blood flow is also...
13 Strategies To Help With Insomnia During Substance Withdrawal Recovery from addiction brings uncomfortable physical and psychological symptoms. If you’re on this journey and experiencing withdrawal symptoms, you may notice that you have trouble falling asleep...
Beware of the Kindling Effect The kindling effect occurs when a person goes through repeated alcohol withdrawals, and the symptoms become more severe with each relapse. The name is derived from materials used to start a fire. The more kindling added the fire burns...
Illegal Drugs and Memory Loss Illegal drugs are widely recognized for their potential to cause serious health problems. In 2017, the CDC reported that the persons using illicit drugs is as high as 11.2% per month throughout the U.S. Education remains essential in the...
Why Research Chemicals Are Still a Risk The axiom “where there’s a will, there’s a way” is true when it comes to finding ways to get high legally. The desire to get the same feelings of euphoria that can occur with psychoactive drugs while...