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Domestic Violence and Alcohol

Domestic Violence and Alcohol

Domestic Violence and Alcohol What is the connection between domestic violence and alcohol? The answer may not be what you think. While it is true that a high percentage of reported intimate personal violence incidents involved an offender who had been drinking prior...
Risks of Mixing LSD with Alcohol and Other Substances

Risks of Mixing LSD with Alcohol and Other Substances

Risks of Mixing LSD with Alcohol and Other Substances Non-medicinal, recreational drug use has always been a subject of great controversy and public concern due to the strong effects of many drugs on the human body over time. Psychoactive drugs in particular can have...
Kidney Damage and Cocaine

Kidney Damage and Cocaine

Kidney Damage and Cocaine The kidneys provide many vital functions, including ridding the body of waste and helping the system to maintain the right amount of fluid. They also produce essential nutrients, create red blood cells, and maintain blood pressure. Illicit...
Using Suboxone for Treatment

Using Suboxone for Treatment

Using Suboxone for Treatment For those in the throes of addiction, taking medication designed to assist in recovery such as Suboxone or Methadone can seem like an attractive path out that can be easier on both the body and the brain. Unfortunately, there is a stigma...