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Why Research Chemicals Are Still a Risk

Why Research Chemicals Are Still a Risk

Why Research Chemicals Are Still a Risk The axiom “where there’s a will, there’s a way” is true when it comes to finding ways to get high legally. The desire to get the same feelings of euphoria that can occur with psychoactive drugs while...
Addiction and Marijuana Use

Addiction and Marijuana Use

Addiction and Marijuana Use There’s a lot of debate across the country regarding the legalization and the use of marijuana. States where marijuana has been legalized for medical use have increased rapidly in recent years. Many believe that if alcohol is legal then...
The Role of Alkaloids in Drug Addiction

The Role of Alkaloids in Drug Addiction

The Role of Alkaloids in Drug Addiction Some people argue that any substance can be considered a drug or become addictive. Those who insist on this point often point to sugar or caffeine as proof. While both of these certainly have an addictive appeal to some people,...
The Disease Model of Alcoholism

The Disease Model of Alcoholism

The Disease Model of Alcoholism Is alcoholism a disease? It may very well come down to who you ask. Many people are more eager to view alcoholism as a character flaw instead of a disease. This line of thinking created a stigma around alcohol dependence for decades. It...
2C Designer Drugs

2C Designer Drugs

2C Designer Drugs Designer drugs have been a staple of the club scene for many years. One of the most popular was 2C-E, part of the 2C family that includes 2C-I, 2C-D, 2C-B and 2C-E. Appearing in the mid-1980s just as MDMA was prohibited in the United States, the use...