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What Drugs are the Most Addictive

What Drugs are the Most Addictive

What Drugs are the Most Addictive For people without a drug use disorder, the commitment to a substance so destructive to an individual’s health and well-being seems at best odd and worst irresponsible. However, people who look at addiction so plainly do not...
Seeking Help for Over-the-Counter Drug Addictions

Seeking Help for Over-the-Counter Drug Addictions

Seeking Help for Over-the-Counter Drug Addictions According to a study from the University of Michigan, up to 40% of high school students had taken a drink of alcohol within the previous month. 25% of the students had smoked a cigarette. 5% of them had abused an...
How Long Do Drugs Stay in Your System?

How Long Do Drugs Stay in Your System?

How Long Do Drugs Stay in Your System? Although many people might think otherwise, not all drugs, both illicit and prescription, stay in the body for the same length of time. The second we ingest a drug–through smoking, swallowing or snorting–our bodies...
Addiction and Pain Management: No Easy Answers

Addiction and Pain Management: No Easy Answers

Addiction and Pain Management: No Easy Answers There are many people in addiction that also suffer from chronic pain. Some became addicted to substances like opioids by using them for pain, either chronic or after surgery of some sort. This creates somewhat of a...
Tianeptine: Addiction Potential and Hidden Dangers

Tianeptine: Addiction Potential and Hidden Dangers

Tianeptine: Addiction Potential and Hidden Dangers Tianeptine has been prescribed as an antidepressant in France and other overseas countries for decades. However, its use in the United States is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and many Americans...