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Understanding Cross Addiction

Understanding Cross Addiction

Understanding Cross Addiction Addiction is complicated. The more researchers explore what causes some people to become dependent on drugs and alcohol, the more they realize that ending substance abuse is about more than just saying no. Part chemical craving and part...
Party Drugs and Why They Open the Door to Ongoing Abuse

Party Drugs and Why They Open the Door to Ongoing Abuse

Party Drugs and Why They Open the Door to Ongoing Abuse Party drugs, also known as club drugs or designer drugs, are a common gateway to substance abuse and increased drug use. The dangerous combination of lively atmosphere and addicting substance can be a dangerous...
Dangers of Using Hallucinogens

Dangers of Using Hallucinogens

Dangers of Using Hallucinogens According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2017, roughly 17% of survey participants reported using hallucinogens in their lifetime. These drugs alter one’s perception of reality, along with a person’s feelings and...