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What Happens to Newborns Who Test Positive for Drugs?

What Happens to Newborns Who Test Positive for Drugs?

What Happens to Newborns Who Test Positive for Drugs? Anything a mother does before birth has an impact on her baby. While the structure of the uterus allows oxygen and essential nutrients to pass from mother to baby, it also exposes the fetus to toxins the mother...
Using Drugs and Alcohol During Pregnancy

Using Drugs and Alcohol During Pregnancy

Using Drugs and Alcohol During Pregnancy Research shows that at least five percent of pregnant women use drugs or alcohol at some point during their pregnancy. Using addictive substances can cause significant health problems for infants, primarily because illicit...
Domestic Violence and Alcohol

Domestic Violence and Alcohol

Domestic Violence and Alcohol What is the connection between domestic violence and alcohol? The answer may not be what you think. While it is true that a high percentage of reported intimate personal violence incidents involved an offender who had been drinking prior...
Taking Off The Mask – Embracing Your Sober Life

Taking Off The Mask – Embracing Your Sober Life

Taking Off The Mask – Embracing Your Sober Life Living life in active addiction is like wearing a mask. No one can see who we really are. And the people we become resembles our true selves little if at all. That said, for many us, the mask was on prior to ever...