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Stages of Alcoholism

Stages of Alcoholism

Stages of Alcoholism Everything in moderation. It’s a very common phrase that you might use when talking to your kids about eating candy, but what about things like alcohol? Where is the line from casual drinking to alcoholism? Did you know that over 3.2 million...
Mixing Ibuprofen and Alcohol: What Are the Risks?

Mixing Ibuprofen and Alcohol: What Are the Risks?

Mixing Ibuprofen and Alcohol: What Are the Risks? Many people enjoy a nice cold beer or glass of wine after a long day at work or when socializing with family and friends. At the same time, many folks turn to over-the-counter medications to deal with common ailments....
Three Drugs with the Worst Withdrawal Symptoms

Three Drugs with the Worst Withdrawal Symptoms

Three Drugs with the Worst Withdrawal Symptoms Modern science has produced an ever-increasing array of drugs and other products that are able to greatly improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world with long-term mental and physical health...
How Does Alcohol Affect Vitamin Absorption?

How Does Alcohol Affect Vitamin Absorption?

How Does Alcohol Affect Vitamin Absorption? Excessive alcohol consumption has many effects on the body. Many are common knowledge, such as alcohol’s effect on the liver, pregnancy, or the ability to think clearly. However, some effects might be lesser-known. One...
Domestic Violence and Alcohol

Domestic Violence and Alcohol

Domestic Violence and Alcohol What is the connection between domestic violence and alcohol? The answer may not be what you think. While it is true that a high percentage of reported intimate personal violence incidents involved an offender who had been drinking prior...