Co-Dependence and Enabling Drug Addiction Drug addiction is not just a disease that impacts the addict’s life, health and daily routine. It’s also a disease that affects the people who love the addict, such as family members and close friends. The cost of...
The Urge-Peak Cycle & the Risk of Relapse Addiction is not an easy thing to fight. If it were a matter of willpower, there would be no need for rehab centers, and patients could heal themselves once the decision is made to stop using. Recovery is not a linear...
Substance Abuse Disorder vs. Addiction An individual who is using substances or drawn by a desire to use substances is affected by a range of symptoms. The various names of these struggles are nearly as numerous as the symptoms. Find out more about the causes,...
The Role of Alkaloids in Drug Addiction Some people argue that any substance can be considered a drug or become addictive. Those who insist on this point often point to sugar or caffeine as proof. While both of these certainly have an addictive appeal to some people,...
What is Opioid Rotation? It has been well-publicized that addiction to opiates is at near epidemic levels. Besides the traumatic and tragic impacts on families, it has had a staggering economic impact in the U.S. In the four years between 2015 and 2018 inclusive,...