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Are you addicted to drugs and alcohol? It may seem like a straight-forward question, but it can be difficult to answer. We all have a preconceived notion of what an addict is, but we may not realize the negative effects of substance abuse on our lives. This quiz may help you answer this question for yourself.

To take the quiz, select all that apply to you or that you have experienced. Be as honest as possible. There is nothing shameful about being an addict once you begin to take positive action. If you can identify with our problems, you can move toward a solution, and Clean Recovery Centers can help.

Once you have selected the factors that apply to you, click the “Submit button” that appears on your last selection. Do not click “Submit” until you are finished the quiz.

*NOTE: This quiz is not an official clinical assessment tool meant to officially diagnose a substance abuse problem; it will simply give you an idea of whether an addiction or substance abuse problem exists. This quiz is fully confidential – no personal information is gathered.

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