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1 (888) 330-2532

The Three-Phase Approach

Recovering from drug or alcohol abuse has been described as a journey – a journey where those with substance abuse and mental health issuess can achieve sobriety and while learning skills that guide them to long-term recovery. Clean Recovery Centers has developed a Three-Phase approach that is a template for determining the path best suited to each individual client, while employing numerous leading-edge proven recovery techniques.

The Three Phase Approach

Recovery Flow

This timeline illustrates the typical flow of our treatment programs, but keep in mind that at Clean Recovery Centers, treatment is never one-size-fits-all. We tailor our program to suit each clients’ needs. Recovery journeys are unique to the individual, and may or may not follow this order or timeline.

Get Clean

Phase I – Preparation

While each journey is different, many begin with detoxification. Phase I is a 24-hour medically supported Residential program that typically takes place over the first 3 to 4 weeks of treatment. This phase allows clients to become stabilized and start the healing process for both body and mind, while preparing them for the next part of their path to long-term maintenance of recovery.


Detoxification is a process of care provided on an inpatient basis to manage the physiological and psychological effects of withdrawal from substance use. The withdrawal process from substances, such as alcohol, opiates, and benzodiazepine (benzos) can be dangerous and life-threatening. Clean Recovery Centers offers around the clock medical care and emotional support during detox.


Residential treatment is provided in a structured, supervised live-in environment 24 hours-per-day, 7 days-per-week, to help individuals maintain recovery from addiction. During this treatment, clients build skills and tools that are necessary for life after detoxification. Residential I Care is medically supported, if needed. Evidenced-based therapy with individual and group counseling, as well as family counseling, is provided.

Two Treatment Tracks

Phase I is usually similar for most clients, with the goal of stabilizing their condition and beginning to explore the factors that may have contributed to their addictions. After some analysis we can plan treatment going forward, and each client is placed on either a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Track or Mental Health Treatment Track for the Phase II and Phase III of their recovery journey.

Live Clean

Phase II – Action

Phase II can be Non-Residential or Residential and transitions the client out of Phase I by allowing them to address issues that contributed to their addiction and prepare them for more independent recovery. Phase II typically lasts 3 to 4 weeks, and places clients on either a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Track or Mental Health Treatment Track.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Track


The goal of DNT treatment is to prepare clients for the next level of care and teach the skills necessary to combat their addiction. This non-residential program typically provides a minimum thirty hours of services per week. Clients often reside at Clean Recovery Centers’ 24/7 monitored Community Housing during the course of this treatment, but this isn’t required.

The clinical program of DNT has four main components, designed to help clients begin changing their core beliefs and developing a balanced and clean life: Experiential Processes, Defense Mechanism Identification, Belief System Exploration, and Symbolic Integration.

Mental Health Treatment Track


Co-occurring mental health issues are common in people who suffer from addiction. Our mental health treatment focuses on the behavioral health disorders that often are left untreated with addiction. This residential treatment program offers housing and meals in addition to individualized treatment. Working with the clinical and medical teams, the client’s mental health is stabilized before we address their substance abuse. Client care includes a psychiatric evaluation, diagnosis education, medication education and management.

The mental health treatment program is comprised of 5 main components focusing on trauma, identity reconstruction, cognitive self-management techniques, personal growth development strategies, and incorporates movement therapy (Evidenced based medicine and therapy).

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Clean Recovery Centers offers a PHP level of care that includes mental health treatment for those who have completed Residential Level II, or when deemed clinically appropriate. Clients participate in community involvement at PHP level by contributing their time for those in need.

Stay Clean

Phase III – Maintenance

The third phase involves putting in to practice what has been learned and transition out of full time treatment. This involves continuing group and individual therapy, while gradually decreasing sessions, as well as learning life skills needed to be successful. This phase is typically 6-8 weeks long.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Track


A non-residential program that provides a minimum nine hours of services per week. Clean Recovery Centers’ SUD Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is comparable to a residential program in effectiveness, with group and individual counseling as a major component. Clients may choose to reside at our 24/7 monitored Transitional Living residences during this stage of treatment.


A non-residential program providing a minimum two hours of services per week. Clients are either living at home or in a sober living environment and come to the treatment center for Outpatient (OP) services.

Mental Health Treatment Track


A Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is offered as a progression of care to those completing Residential II and/or Mental Health PHP, or when deemed clinically appropriate.


A Mental Health Outpatient Program (OP) is also offered as a progression of care for those completing Mental Health IOP, or as clinically appropriate.

Stay Clean

Ongoing Support



Clients are encouraged to participate in Clean Recovery Centers’ Alumni Program to receive ongoing support and continued success through social media groups, meetings, and peer events in the Tampa Bay area.

Additional Services

Transitional Living

Community Housing, for DNT, and Transitional Living, for IOP/OP, provide safe and clean environments for those in treatment. You become part of a “Community” where peers and staff support one another on this journey. All Clean Recovery Centers’ homes are Level 4 FARR Accredited – the Florida Association of Recovery Residences.

Life Skills through Case Management

Life skills are the skills one must have to function successfully in the world. They include effective communication, career guidance, time management, and money management. Truly successful mental health recovery is based on the ability to not only live substance-free, but to thrive. Life skills teach the practical necessities of functioning in society – setting clients up for success in life and, therefore, sobriety.

Family Program

The disease of addiction has signifi cant physical, emotional and social consequences for the individual seeking treatment and for family and significant others impacted by the disease. We view family as an essential component of a patient’s ongoing recovery program and seek to involve them in the addiction treatment and recovery process.

Wellness Program

As part of a whole person approach, Clean Recovery Centers integrates Wellness services that improve our clients overall physical fitness and wellbeing. Wellness services include Massage Therapy, Yoga and more!

Wellness services are not a core component of treatment services offered or part of facility per diem standard program. All additional services are optional. All additional services are billed and charged for separately from medical and treatment services.

Don’t Be Shy!

If you have any questions or want to find out more about our program, feel free to call us.

1 (888) 330-2532