Get Clean – Call us today!

Get Clean! Call us today!

1 (888) 330-2532


Discover the unique Three-phase program at Clean, including Detox, Mental Health Treatment, Day/Night treatment with Community Housing, IOP/OP program, the additional services that complete our whole person approach, our transitional living houses that enable clients to focus on recovery, and more.

Three Phase Approach

The Clean Recovery Flow is divided into Three Phases – Preparation, Action and Maintenance. Each of these phases includes programs that together cover the entire spectrum of addiction recovery treatment.

Get Clean in Phase I – Preparation

Phase I is a 24/7 medically supported Residential program that typically takes place over the first 3 to 4 weeks of treatment. This phase includes two programs: Medical Detox, and Residential (RES I) treatment.

Live Clean in Phase II – Action

Phase II can be Non-Residential or Residential and transitions the client out of Phase I by allowing them to address issues that contributed to their addiction and prepare them for more independent recovery. Phase II typically lasts 3 to 4weeks, and places clients on either a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Track comprised of Day/Night Treatment (DNT) with Community Housing, or a Mental Health Treatment Track comprised of a Residential II Level of Care and Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP).





Stay Clean in Phase III – Maintenance

The third phase involves putting in to practice what has been learned and transition out of full time treatment. This phase is typically 6-8 weeks long and includes Intensive Outpatient (IOP) and Outpatient Treatment (OP) treatment. This phase continues clients on SUD or Mental Health Treatment Tracks.



Alumni Program

Following any Clean Recovery Centers’ treatment program, clients are encouraged to participate in Clean Recovery Centers’ Alumni Program to receive ongoing support and continued success.

Additional Services

Wellness services are not a core component of treatment services offered or part of facility per diem standard program and are billed and charged for separately from medical and treatment services. All additional services are optional.

Don’t Be Shy!

If you have any questions or want to find out more about our program, feel free to call us.

1 (888) 330-2532