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Panic Disorder Treatment
“A panic attack goes from 0 to 100 in an instant. It’s halfway between feeling like you’ll faint and feeling like you’ll die.” – Unknown
Experiencing a panic attack can surround you with crippling fear, making you wonder if you will survive in the moment.
You are not alone, many are living with a panic disorder.
In 2022, Florida ranked 2nd for prevalence of mental health conditions. While this is good news, there are still over 3.5 million residents who need mental health care.
Clean Recovery Centers is a proud provider of both substance use disorder treatment as well as mental health condition care.
One condition we specialize in is panic disorder. Here is what our program entails.

What We Treat: Panic Disorder
Panic disorder can seem to plague the mind, creating fears when there is no true danger around. Experiencing panic disorder can take your breath away in the moment, making it feel as if you have no control. Panic disorder is manageable with proper therapies and/or medications. Here at Clean Recovery Centers, we provide relief from panic and anxiety symptoms associated with panic disorder.
Understanding Where Panic Disorder Stems From
Mental health conditions including panic disorder do not have a set, definitive cause. Combinations of genetics, environmental factors, and upbringing can all lead to panic disorder developing. There are some factors that can increase the likelihood of developing panic disorder, including:
- Having extreme reactions to stress
- Having other mental health conditions
- Experiencing childhood adversities such as poverty or substance use
- Having a parent or sibling who has been diagnosed with panic disorder
Experiencing intense stress is already uncomfortable and taxing, but those who have a more difficult time managing these events are more likely to have a panic disorder. It can also develop from experiencing traumatic events.
How We Treat: Clean Recovery Centers’ Strategies to Panic Disorder
Clean Recovery Centers utilizes a unique, three-phase approach to mental health treatment. Phase one is for those with co-occurring substance use disorders. We call this phase “preparation” as the body and mind heal through a medical detox and residential I stay.
Those who come to us for panic disorder alone may begin our program in phase two, known as “action.” This includes a residential II stay and extensive therapies. Wellness is also incorporated to begin promoting healthy habits. Certified rapid-resolution therapists are also available at each of our locations to heal past trauma that may be associated with panic disorder.
Phase three is where we prepare you for the transition back to your everyday life. This phase is called “maintenance” and consists of outpatient therapy services. Our team can help with housing as well as setting up further care to manage your panic disorder.

Common Panic Disorder Symptoms
The main symptom of panic disorder is experiencing panic attacks. These can occur with or without a perceived trigger or threat. For some, hearing a certain noise or being in a certain place can cause an attack to occur. Others may have no tied experience before one begins. There are various symptoms of panic attacks and they typically last for several minutes.
Panic Attacks Defined
A panic attack is a response to intense fear and emotion felt from supposed danger. They can come on suddenly and be overwhelming. Symptoms include:
- Rapid heartbeat
- Sweating
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest pain
- Trembling
- Feelings that death or dying is approaching
- Dizziness
- Feeling out of control
These symptoms can last for 20-30 minutes depending on the person. It is best to move the person having a panic attack to a quiet place to recover.
Signs of an Oncoming Panic Attack
There is no guaranteed way to predict a panic attack is going to happen. Experiencing a panic attack at a specific place or around certain people can cause the person to avoid those scenarios. Even with avoiding these triggers, another panic attack can still occur at any time. Panic attacks are not typically life-threatening, but they can be overwhelming especially when experienced in a public place. Seeking treatment after the first panic attack is crucial to prevent future issues.
What to Expect When Panic Disorder Is Diagnosed
Hearing a mental health diagnosis can feel scary and like you don’t know what to do next. Having the answer of panic disorder gives you the proper diagnosis and treatment options to manage the condition.
A diagnosis of panic disorder must come from a medical professional. They will perform a physical exam to rule out any underlying conditions that could be causing your symptoms. Hyperthyroidism, heart conditions, and substance use can all be related to panic disorder. Once these conditions are deemed not a factor, the doctor will take note of all symptoms experienced. This includes when they began and how many panic attacks you have had. Once a diagnosis has been determined, the next steps will be treatment options.
Panic Disorder Treatment Options and Management
Not everyone will have the same treatment path when it comes to managing their panic disorder. Though the condition cannot be cured, different options and combinations can help you live a fulfilling life.
Medication and Therapy Methods
Different medications can help manage panic disorder. Anti-anxiety medications can lessen the severity and frequency of panic attacks. Beta-blockers can help control the negative effects on the heart during panic attacks. Although antidepressants are typically for treating depression, they have been seen to help with panic disorder.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a talk therapy that works to address and change negative thought patterns. When anxiety begins to take over, CBT helps acknowledge why the emotions are occurring and move forward from them.
Combinations of therapies and medications may be better options for some, but not everyone will require both. Working with your care team will help you find what fits for managing your panic disorder. Clean Recovery Centers has a compassionate and helpful mental health staff that will guide you through the process.

Learning and Understanding Your Panic Disorder
One way to understand your panic disorder is to learn more about it. Keep a journal of when attacks occur. Include what you were doing, how you were feeling, if something stressful led to it, and how long it lasted. This can help you track if there are commonalities that are triggering the events. Also, keep track of changes in your treatments. Take notes of how you feel after starting a new medication or a new dosage. This will help your care team continue to provide the most effective treatment going forward.
Seek Help for Panic Disorder Today at Clean Recovery Centers in Florida
Panic attacks can feel scary, and trying to figure out why they are happening can be frustrating. Panic disorder doesn’t have to keep interfering with your life, treatment options are available. Mental health therapy is the beginning of taking your mind back and moving forward with your life. Don’t wait for the next panic attack, reach out today.
If you or someone you love is living with panic attacks, there may be more going on. Clean Recovery Centers offers expert care for panic disorder and other mental health conditions. Our program can also address co-occurring substance use disorders. With housing components at each of our locations, you will always have a safe place to stay and heal. Call us today at 888-330-2532 to learn more about our program offerings.
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FAQs About Panic Disorder Treatment
Does panic disorder require medication?
Panic disorder does not require medication but can be useful for some.