Marijuana Detection Time You have always been a rebel type, rebuking your mom and her rules since your dad left. You were only 8 years old, but the scar still hurts to this day. Your mom seemed to take it out on you, constantly yelling and always starting fights with...
Fentanyl Laced Weed Growing up, you always kept yourself on the straight and narrow path. You had dreams and goals you knew you wanted to accomplish, and nothing was going to stop you from achieving them. Even when your friends started doing drugs behind the high...
Addiction and Marijuana There are many reasons why people become addicted to marijuana. For some people, it may be because they enjoy the high that it produces. Others may use it to self-medicate for anxiety or depression. Whatever the reason, marijuana addiction is a...
What Is Hash and How Is It Different From Weed? Hashish, or hash, as it is commonly known, is a psychoactive compound derived from the female Cannabis sativa plant. Hash has become a more widely used drug globally as new product derivatives have made it popular for...
Secondhand Marijuana Smoke: How It Affects Your Children and Your Pets and What You Can Do To Create a Healthier Living Environment Medical marijuana is legal in 33 states, and 10 states have legalized it for recreational use. According to the Centers for Disease...
Is It Possible To Get Addicted to Weed? In the last decade, many jurisdictions have reconsidered their policies regarding the legalization of marijuana or weed. Many states have legalized medical marijuana and others have gone as far as allowing recreational use as...
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