High-Functioning Alcoholic In the mornings, there were always 2-3 fewer beers in the fridge than the day before. In your community, a couple of beers a night is considered normal (actually mild) alcohol consumption, which is why you kept telling yourself that his...
Alcoholic Nose It finally happened, the phone call you always knew was coming. Your dad, who has been managing alcohol use disorder for many years, is in the hospital. He hasn’t seen a doctor since you were in elementary school, and on top of drinking, he also has...
Etg Alcohol Testing You made the mistake of drinking and driving after the big game between your alumnus, University of South Florida, and their rivals, University of Central Florida. It was a close game, but they were able to kick a last-minute field goal to win it...
Problem Drinking Vs Alcoholism Alcohol consumption is a widely accepted social activity in many cultures. However, it’s important to recognize when alcohol consumption crosses the line from a casual indulgence to a more serious problem. Problem drinking and...
Alcohol Poisoning Did you know that in 2019, Monroe County here in Florida had the highest percentage of people who reported binge drinking within the past year? In Florida, 18% of adults report heavy drinking during the year. That’s almost 4 million people. In the...
Stages of Alcoholism Everything in moderation. It’s a very common phrase that you might use when talking to your kids about eating candy, but what about things like alcohol? Where is the line from casual drinking to alcoholism? Did you know that over 3.2 million...