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Clean Recovery Centers Blog
Fentanyl vs Morphine
After high school, you couldn’t seem to find your path in life. Working random jobs, you finally settled as a dishwasher in an up-and-coming restaurant. The chef saw potential in you, and took you under his wing as a prep cook. This was great; you were definitely getting tired of washing dishes.As you continued to bond with the chef, you found he...
Fentanyl vs Morphine
After high school, you couldn’t seem to find your path in life. Working random jobs, you finally settled as a dishwasher in an up-and-coming restaurant. The chef saw potential in you, and took you under his wing as a prep cook. This was great; you were definitely getting tired of washing dishes.As you continued to bond with the chef, you found he was always going outside after the dinner rush. When he would come back in, he would be really relaxed, euphoric even. When you ask him about it, he...
Sobriety is My Superpower
Today, I am almost 4 years sober and my life could not be more radically different than it used to...
Recovering from Addiction – Multiple Pathways
There is a lot of controversy surrounding drug and alcohol addiction today. The Opioid Epidemic...
Recovering from Addiction and Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements
I have been working and studying in the field of mental health and addiction for more than 38...
VIDEO: Nick Cuneo and Rick Davila on Morning Blend TV in Tampa Bay
“How do you help loved ones without enabling them?”“Here’s what families of addicts need to know -...
VIDEO: Shayne Sundholm and Charles Robinson on Morning Blend in Tampa
Clean Recovery Leaders Talk About Addiction During Tampa Television InterviewIs addiction simply a...
VIDEO: Clean Recovery Leaders on Morning Blend in Tampa
Clean Recovery Leaders Share Insights During Tampa Television Interview“Today is a New Day.” That...