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Alcohol Eyes

Alcohol Eyes

You have always been a lone wolf. With bouncing in and out of foster homes, you learned early on that you only had yourself to rely on. There were challenges along the way, and you tended to use alcohol to numb a lot of your feelings. This helped keep you in homes for a little longer, but ultimately you would get sent to another home.As you got...

Alcohol Eyes

You have always been a lone wolf. With bouncing in and out of foster homes, you learned early on that you only had yourself to rely on. There were challenges along the way, and you tended to use alcohol to numb a lot of your feelings. This helped keep you in homes for a little longer, but ultimately you would get sent to another home.As you got older, you were determined to do the right things. You worked your way up at your job and stayed dedicated, faring well for yourself. A car, an...

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