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Clean Recovery Centers Blog
Alcohol Eyes
You have always been a lone wolf. With bouncing in and out of foster homes, you learned early on that you only had yourself to rely on. There were challenges along the way, and you tended to use alcohol to numb a lot of your feelings. This helped keep you in homes for a little longer, but ultimately you would get sent to another home.As you got...
Alcohol Eyes
You have always been a lone wolf. With bouncing in and out of foster homes, you learned early on that you only had yourself to rely on. There were challenges along the way, and you tended to use alcohol to numb a lot of your feelings. This helped keep you in homes for a little longer, but ultimately you would get sent to another home.As you got older, you were determined to do the right things. You worked your way up at your job and stayed dedicated, faring well for yourself. A car, an...
15 Reasons To Get Sober Now
If you have ever known sobriety, then it’s difficult to un-know it. If you have ever...
Ten Affirmations To Get You Through Tough Times
There have been moments in my life when I was in deep, radiating pain and a quote or a song...
Demi Lovato’s Relapse Teaches us How to Ask for Help
“One of the hardest things was learning I was worth recovery.” – Demi Lovato Recently, Demi...
5 Things That Triggered Me To Drink and Use and How I Overcame Them
I went to rehab for the first time in late December, 2010. It’s crazy that only 3 years...
Am I An Alcoholic?
A number of self-assessment tests are available online to determine if you are an...
The Myths I Believed About Recovery Prior to Getting Sober
Before I got sober, I couldn’t imagine what a life of recovery would look like. Not...