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Marijuana Detection Time

Marijuana Detection Time

You have always been a rebel type, rebuking your mom and her rules since your dad left. You were only 8 years old, but the scar still hurts to this day. Your mom seemed to take it out on you, constantly yelling and always starting fights with you. While you have a male role model in your favorite English teacher, you still raise hell and refuse...

Marijuana Detection Time

You have always been a rebel type, rebuking your mom and her rules since your dad left. You were only 8 years old, but the scar still hurts to this day. Your mom seemed to take it out on you, constantly yelling and always starting fights with you. While you have a male role model in your favorite English teacher, you still raise hell and refuse to condone “the system.”Your buddies liked to get high, and you were always right there with them. Weed was an escape from the fighting and the...

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