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Alcohol and Depression

Alcohol and Depression

You didn’t ask for it to be this way. You were brought into a family that was, unfortunately, dysfunctional. Your father was always yelling and abusing your mom, your sister, and yourself. He was never without a drink in hand, and he made sure to impose just enough fear to keep your mother from leaving. When you were old enough, you left home...

Alcohol and Depression

You didn’t ask for it to be this way. You were brought into a family that was, unfortunately, dysfunctional. Your father was always yelling and abusing your mom, your sister, and yourself. He was never without a drink in hand, and he made sure to impose just enough fear to keep your mother from leaving. When you were old enough, you left home trying your best to get your mother to come with you and your sister, but she wouldn’t leave him.With the difficult upbringing, you found your...

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Tough Love?

Tough Love?

When it comes to treating the disease of addiction, some say you must exercise “tough love.” But a...

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