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Clean Recovery Centers Blog

Cocaine Comedown

Cocaine Comedown

We all know the famous phrase and story. Newton was sitting under an apple tree and got hit in the head by a falling apple. Just like that, physics was born. But this phrase applies to more than just gravity. The human brain experiences this same philosophy when using substances like cocaine.The effects of cocaine can become dangerous, and over...

Cocaine Comedown

We all know the famous phrase and story. Newton was sitting under an apple tree and got hit in the head by a falling apple. Just like that, physics was born. But this phrase applies to more than just gravity. The human brain experiences this same philosophy when using substances like cocaine.The effects of cocaine can become dangerous, and over 240 deaths between January and June 2022 were caused by or had cocaine present. These numbers are just for Hillsborough County alone. At Clean Recovery...

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2C Designer Drugs

2C Designer Drugs

Designer drugs have been a staple of the club scene for many years. One of the most popular was...

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