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Clean Recovery Centers Blog

Why Is Fentanyl So Dangerous

Why Is Fentanyl So Dangerous

You felt miserable, the loss of your wife and your unborn son weighing on your shoulders. Guilt had overtaken you – you should have been in the car for that appointment. Instead, you had an unexpected meeting come up at work that you couldn’t miss, something that seems so trivial now that they are gone from the car accident.The grief quickly...

Why Is Fentanyl So Dangerous

You felt miserable, the loss of your wife and your unborn son weighing on your shoulders. Guilt had overtaken you – you should have been in the car for that appointment. Instead, you had an unexpected meeting come up at work that you couldn’t miss, something that seems so trivial now that they are gone from the car accident.The grief quickly consumed you, and you knew only one way to numb the pain. Back in your teen years, you had been an avid heroin user, but once you met your wife and...

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2C Designer Drugs

2C Designer Drugs

Designer drugs have been a staple of the club scene for many years. One of the most popular was...

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