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Fentanyl Death Pose

Fentanyl Death Pose

You can’t help but worry about your son ever since he started hanging out with your ex-husband. He has every right to see his father, but the reason you left him was due to his drug use. You shielded your son when he was younger, but now that he is in his late teens you see the changes in him – he is using like his dad.While he is still a good...

Fentanyl Death Pose

You can’t help but worry about your son ever since he started hanging out with your ex-husband. He has every right to see his father, but the reason you left him was due to his drug use. You shielded your son when he was younger, but now that he is in his late teens you see the changes in him – he is using like his dad.While he is still a good kid, you fear everytime he walks out the door. How can you know if this is the last time you will see him ever again. These nights, you tend to stay...

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