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Clean Recovery Centers Blog

Is Alcoholism Hereditary

Is Alcoholism Hereditary

Your husband has always been a drinker. His father and grandfather always found themselves drinking no matter the occasion. You have seen the mental and physical toll alcohol has taken on all of these family members, and you can’t help but look at your 13-year-old son and wonder – “Will he pick up drinking? Is alcoholism hereditary?”In 2022, over...

Is Alcoholism Hereditary

Your husband has always been a drinker. His father and grandfather always found themselves drinking no matter the occasion. You have seen the mental and physical toll alcohol has taken on all of these family members, and you can’t help but look at your 13-year-old son and wonder – “Will he pick up drinking? Is alcoholism hereditary?”In 2022, over 13% of high school students reported drinking in the past 30 days in Hillsborough County. Clean Recovery Centers understands how drinking early on...

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