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Clean Recovery Centers Blog
Cocaine Comedown
We all know the famous phrase and story. Newton was sitting under an apple tree and got hit in the head by a falling apple. Just like that, physics was born. But this phrase applies to more than just gravity. The human brain experiences this same philosophy when using substances like cocaine.The effects of cocaine can become dangerous, and over...
Cocaine Comedown
We all know the famous phrase and story. Newton was sitting under an apple tree and got hit in the head by a falling apple. Just like that, physics was born. But this phrase applies to more than just gravity. The human brain experiences this same philosophy when using substances like cocaine.The effects of cocaine can become dangerous, and over 240 deaths between January and June 2022 were caused by or had cocaine present. These numbers are just for Hillsborough County alone. At Clean Recovery...
Do I Need To Be Religious To Get Sober?
If you are toying with the idea of getting sober once and for all, or if you have just reached a...
Does Alcohol Abuse Cause Cancer?
Consuming an alcoholic drink on occasion is a common behavior for adults all over the world. In...
Does Everyone Have to Hit Rock Bottom
Addiction is possibly the most destructive disease on the planet. Not only does the person in...
Why Research Chemicals Are Still a Risk
The axiom "where there's a will, there's a way" is true when it comes to finding ways to get high...
What You Need to Know Now About Slow Taper vs. Cold Turkey
There is no shortage of opinions, misinformation and dangerous suggestions when it comes to...
Coping Mechanisms: Managing Without Drugs or Alcohol
Are you newly sober? If so, congratulations. You might be dealing with a lot of emotions during...