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Clean Recovery Centers Blog
What Does Cocaine Do to Your Skin: The Physical Changes Caused by Cocaine Use
In Florida, over 4,000 non-fatal overdoses were caused by stimulants such as cocaine in 2022. Do you know the signs of cocaine use in a loved one? Could you recognize the effects it has on the skin? Clean Recovery Centers has been a leading provider of cocaine use disorder treatment and is able to address all facets of addiction. Our program...
What Does Cocaine Do to Your Skin: The Physical Changes Caused by Cocaine Use
In Florida, over 4,000 non-fatal overdoses were caused by stimulants such as cocaine in 2022. Do you know the signs of cocaine use in a loved one? Could you recognize the effects it has on the skin? Clean Recovery Centers has been a leading provider of cocaine use disorder treatment and is able to address all facets of addiction. Our program focuses on wellness, including mediation, brain mapping, and Kinesio Taping® as a part of the healing process. Today, we are exploring what cocaine does...
Is Microdosing Dangerous?
Microdosing is the practice of taking small doses of drugs normally used for recreational...
Can Recovering Alcoholics Ever Drink Again? Abstinence vs. Moderation in Long Term Recovery
If you are reading this advice because you’ve reached a milestone in your sobriety,...
How To Stay Clean After Rehab
Managing addiction requires the same lifelong vigilance as with any other chronic illness....
Understand and Avoid the Temptation to Use Drugs During the Holidays
While media portrays the holiday season as a time for family togetherness and joyous revelry, not...
Why Holidays Can Be So Depressing
The holidays can be depressing for a lot of people, even those who don’t struggle with mental...
What Drugs are the Most Addictive
For people without a drug use disorder, the commitment to a substance so destructive to an...