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Clean Recovery Centers Blog

What Is Cocaine Psychosis: How Cocaine Negatively Impacts Mental Health

What Is Cocaine Psychosis: How Cocaine Negatively Impacts Mental Health

Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye that made you double-take? The initial feeling of fear as you see one thing but quickly realize it is something else as you look again. You laugh and feel silly for thinking you saw something that wasn’t there. But what if when you look again the object doesn’t change, and your mind can’t...

What Is Cocaine Psychosis: How Cocaine Negatively Impacts Mental Health

Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye that made you double-take? The initial feeling of fear as you see one thing but quickly realize it is something else as you look again. You laugh and feel silly for thinking you saw something that wasn’t there. But what if when you look again the object doesn’t change, and your mind can’t distinguish if it’s real or not? Panic and paranoia would set in, making you feel on edge and even crazy. This exact situation can happen from...

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