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Clean Recovery Centers Blog

High Functioning Depression: Hiding Behind the Mask
Do you wake up each day grappling with the idea of getting out of bed? At work, you seem to thrive under pressure and complete all of your tasks, just to come home and collapse on the floor. Maybe you started drinking alcohol or taking substances to feel something other than emptiness. You are not alone – many Floridians share the same thoughts....
High Functioning Depression: Hiding Behind the Mask
Do you wake up each day grappling with the idea of getting out of bed? At work, you seem to thrive under pressure and complete all of your tasks, just to come home and collapse on the floor. Maybe you started drinking alcohol or taking substances to feel something other than emptiness. You are not alone – many Floridians share the same thoughts. In Tampa Bay and West Central Florida, 1 in 6 residents are living with depression, while 1 in 12 are living with a substance use disorder. Clean...
Do I Have To Be Religious To Stay Sober
You do not have to be religious to recover from addiction. There are many different paths to...
What is Addiction?
Addiction can be defined as a chronic, relapsing disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking...
Alcohol and Weightlifting
Health and fitness are some of the most valuable assets anyone can have. Keeping your body as...
Three Drugs with the Worst Withdrawal Symptoms
Modern science has produced an ever-increasing array of drugs and other products that are able to...
The Fentanyl/Opioid Epidemic – How Does The US Compare To Other Countries?
The opioid epidemic has been a problem for years in the United States. In 2017, more than 47,000...
Why Do Most Drug Addicts and Alcoholics Tend To Also Be Smokers?
Cigarettes contain nicotine, which is a powerful addictive substance in its own right. It can be...