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Clean Recovery Centers Blog

Meth Face: What Is It and Why Does It Happen?

Meth Face: What Is It and Why Does It Happen?

Will the face you fell in love with still exist in another five years? When your loved one is living with a meth use disorder, this isn’t just a question – it can be a very real fear. Research finds that nearly one in four people who take methamphetamine regularly have broken or loose teeth, with 28% expressing serious concerns about their...

Meth Face: What Is It and Why Does It Happen?

Will the face you fell in love with still exist in another five years? When your loved one is living with a meth use disorder, this isn’t just a question – it can be a very real fear. Research finds that nearly one in four people who take methamphetamine regularly have broken or loose teeth, with 28% expressing serious concerns about their appearance. At Clean Recovery Centers, we know how difficult this can be. You want your partner to be healthy, safe, and a part of the future your family...

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What Is Kava?

What Is Kava?

Kava is a depressant substance that produces a mild sedative effect on the user. Traditionally,...

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