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Clean Recovery Centers Blog
High-Functioning Anxiety: The Signs You Should Know
“Anxiety isn’t you. It’s something moving through you. It can leave out of the same door it came in.” – James Clear Anxiety plagues many Floridians each year. In 2021, over 40% of Florida residents reported experiencing anxiety or depression. But many more may be experiencing high-functioning anxiety, thinking they do not have enough symptoms to...
High-Functioning Anxiety: The Signs You Should Know
“Anxiety isn’t you. It’s something moving through you. It can leave out of the same door it came in.” – James Clear Anxiety plagues many Floridians each year. In 2021, over 40% of Florida residents reported experiencing anxiety or depression. But many more may be experiencing high-functioning anxiety, thinking they do not have enough symptoms to qualify for an anxiety diagnosis. At Clean Recovery Centers, we know all forms of anxiety matter, and even if you have some functioning ability,...
Cocaine Eyes
The eyes are the window to the soul, so what happens when we cannot see? An eye doctor can help...
Cocaine Nose
There are certain stereotypes we all know when it comes to substance use. For example, if you ask...
PRESS RELEASE: Clean Recovery Centers’ Bradenton Location Now Open
Clean Recovery Centers’ Bradenton Location Now Open Full Spectrum Addiction & Mental Health...
How Long Do The Effects Of Heroin Last
Have you ever enjoyed something too much? Maybe you ate too much sugar as a kid and felt the crash...
Stages Of Heroin Addiction
Not everyone who uses heroin will become dependent. For some, one use is all they need to know...
How Much Does Cocaine Cost
Cocaine is often referred to as the “rich man’s drug.” Movies like “Blow” show how being a cocaine...