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PTSD Symptoms: The Invisible Scars That Cause Distress

PTSD Symptoms: The Invisible Scars That Cause Distress

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” – C. G. Jung You couldn’t help your reaction – the way your partner raised their voice took you right back to the past. Immediately, it was like you were thrown into your old life with your ex-partner, and all you could feel was their hands hitting you over and over. Tears stream as...

PTSD Symptoms: The Invisible Scars That Cause Distress

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” – C. G. Jung You couldn’t help your reaction – the way your partner raised their voice took you right back to the past. Immediately, it was like you were thrown into your old life with your ex-partner, and all you could feel was their hands hitting you over and over. Tears stream as you scream for your safety, and after what feels like an eternity, you are back in the present where your current partner holds you reassuringly. In...

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