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PTSD Symptoms: The Invisible Scars That Cause Distress
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” – C. G. Jung You couldn’t help your reaction – the way your partner raised their voice took you right back to the past. Immediately, it was like you were thrown into your old life with your ex-partner, and all you could feel was their hands hitting you over and over. Tears stream as...
PTSD Symptoms: The Invisible Scars That Cause Distress
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” – C. G. Jung You couldn’t help your reaction – the way your partner raised their voice took you right back to the past. Immediately, it was like you were thrown into your old life with your ex-partner, and all you could feel was their hands hitting you over and over. Tears stream as you scream for your safety, and after what feels like an eternity, you are back in the present where your current partner holds you reassuringly. In...
How Long Can a Panic Attack Last: Breaking Down the Timeline
It’s never happened to you before, but suddenly you feel anxious. Your hands begin to shake and...
Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol: Why Are They So Frequently Connected?
Having a mental health condition impacts every aspect of your life. Some days it feels impossible...
Panic Disorder Symptoms: What They Are and Why They Occur
No matter how hard you try, you can’t explain why it happens. You will be walking through the...
Bipolar Rage: Why Anger Is a Common Reaction
We have all felt anger before, and when looking back on it, there was a reason. In those with...
Anxiety vs Panic Attack: Key Differences in Disorders and Presentation
Feelings of anxiety can seem to creep up and fill you from the inside out. These feelings can hang...
Causes of Bipolar Disorder: Piecing Together the Links
Receiving a mental health diagnosis is scary, especially when you don’t know anyone in your family...