Get Clean! Call us today!
1 (888) 330-2532
Who We Are.
About Clean Recovery Centers.
Located in beautiful Sun Coast Florida, Clean Recovery Centers provides the full spectrum of treatment options for drug and alcohol addiction and mental health issues.
From Medical Detox, Residential, Mental Health Treatment, Day/Night Treatment with Community Housing, Intensive Outpatient with Transitional Living, Telehealth, and Outpatient Treatment, we offer effective solutions and psychiatric care at any stage of Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
What we do.
Every day the plagues of alcoholism, addiction and untreated mental health issues impact millions of lives. Clean Recovery Centers offers a path to recovery whether one has reached ‘rock bottom’ or simply requires new life tools that will enable you to Get Clean, Live Clean, Stay Clean.

Why we are unique.
Clean Recovery Centers offers stabilization, analysis and treatment utilizing evidence-based practices, medication management, and our one-of-a-kind Three-Phase Approach that includes treatment options for every stage of recovery. We recognize there are multiple pathways to recovery, so we design a plan that works by treating the whole person – the physical, spiritual, mental and social.
Our programs focus on the client’s strength; we build on what’s right with each person, not what’s wrong. And it’s paying off – we are seeing dramatic, life-changing results in just three to six months!
Letting Go of Labels
Clinical Educator, Charles Robinson, discusses how labels are addressed within the Clean Recovery Centers program.
What our Clients Have to Say.
Visit our Testimonials page to view “My Life, Clean” videos and read our clients recovery stories.
Where we are.
Visit our Contact Page for our location information and get directions to our facilities.