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“My Life, Clean” Video Testimonials

Client Recovery Stories

View testimonials from those who have completed Clean Recovery Centers treatment program. Learn about the story of their addiction, it’s affect on their lives and how the Three-Phase Approach helped them to Get, Live and Stay Clean.

Clean Recovery was a Lifeline for Sarah.

HITTING BOTTOM Sarah turned to alcohol and prescription pills when the chaos in her life became unmanageable. In her mid 20’s, the solution was using, and it led to her bottom… READ MORE >

Family Recovery Stories

Addiction is a disease that has a profound and enduring affect on the family of those who suffer. The loved ones of Clean Recovery Center’s clients often have moving stories to tell about what Clean has done to help heal damaged family bonds.

The Nixons: From Non-Stop Chaos to Blessed Relief

This is the story of Tyler, a young adult with a complex history, including significant medical, behavioral and mental health issues as well as substance abuse. It is also about Clean Recovery Centers, and their unique approach to treating the whole person and welcoming the most difficult patients.

Check back regularly for more testimonials.