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Day/Night Treatment (DNT) with Community Housing

Clean Recovery Centers offers a robust Day/Night Treatment (DNT) with Community Housing Program. The goal of this treatment is to prepare clients for the Intensive Outpatient Treatment with Transitional Living and the skills necessary to combat their addiction for lasting results.

The clinical program has four main components, designed to help clients begin changing their core beliefs and developing a balanced and clean life.

Experiential Processes

This content is focused on group member participation and their individual experiences. These processes involve analyzing the factors around their addiction and the need for treatment. Clients practice meditation, short term goal setting, introspection exercises, and establishing a solid foundation for ongoing treatment and recovery.


Defense Mechanism Identification

Everyone has defense mechanisms. Those suffering from addiction have built up extreme defenses to protect themselves from the guilt, shame, and remorse that develops in active addiction. It is critical that clients identify these defense mechanisms and start the process of breaking them down.

Belief System Exploration

Those suffering from addiction have developed many limiting and false beliefs that have perpetuated their addiction. Most of these beliefs have no basis in reality and have been created by a mind and brain that is not functioning properly. Clients start to identify these false beliefs and begin the process of changing or removing these extremely unhealthy beliefs.

Symbolic Integration

This process is guided by the idea that self prospective is built by defining symbolic body language, words, and physical actions. Clients identify the symbolism they created while in active addiction (i.e. the body language, words and physical actions) and begin the work of developing new and healthy symbols that will be integrated into their “way of being” as they go through the treatment process.